Friday, December 25, 2009

Rest in Peace Chief Adams

A few days ago I was assigned to cover the Memorial Service for Battalion Chief Tommy Lee Adams at Summer Grove Baptist Church.

I couldn't tell you how many funerals and memorial services I have covered over my 19 years in Shreveport and at various other newspapers across the country. This time it was different, this time it was for someone whom I call a friend.

I met Tommy a decade or so ago while working on a story about the local Life Air Rescue. We flew multiple times over a period of about a week or so while I photographed the project. He was always friendly and outgoing.

Over the years since the project I have run into him at assignment, events or activites around town. I don't think I every saw him without a smile on his face, laughing, or giving me a pat on the back asking me how I was doing.

He was a great person and it has been a privilege and an honor to know him.

My deepest condolences go out to his family.


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