Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bulldog Powers – ACTIVATE!

I first thought my flash card was going bad then I wondered if aliens were involved on this hit on a Texas A&M player.

A few plays later it happened again, only in a different area of the photograph. I turned around the 300mm lens and found my answer. I was using one of our pool lenses that has been dropped, leaving a big chip in the bottom of the front element that has not been replaced.

Under normal conditions the lens works fine, only a vague notice of fuzz in the bottom area of the image that would never be detected, especially with our reproduction.

Tonight was different though, I was shooting the third quarter of the Independence Bowl under the stadium lights without a lens shade................ it is broken also.

The glare of the lights changed the path and caused some pretty cool "glare".
So much for the alien conspiracy theory.


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