Monday, May 14, 2007

Picnic Pops

My most recent photo illustration is for the Shreveport Symphony's annual Picnic Pops event. Basically it's a once-a-year thing where the symphony plays outdoors in a picnic-type setting. We had symphony director come in wearing his tux and replaced his baton with a spatula for some shots. That was the easy part. Then, I created grass, bugs, clouds in the shape of musical notes and dropped in a photo of a picnic basket and voila...

I made the clouds using a brush I created in PhotoShop. The bugs were made from scratch in PhotoShop as well. The grass was made using a built-in PhotoShop brush using two different colors. The flowers...PhotoShop creations.

The moral of the story? PhotoShop is cool, man.

Special thanks to Michael Butterman who made this one easy. It's the second time we've "collaborated" on a story for the symphony. The first time being an illustration on the symphony's theme of "Breaking the Mold" last year.


Robert E Trudeau 5/16/2007 8:09 PM  

My fave of the week, Greg. There's something about the randomness and vivid fakery of the environment that I dig.

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