Wednesday, April 4, 2007

SciFi Safety

I've worn a lot of goofy stuff in the name of safety on this job. Hard hats and safety glasses on construction sites, an oxygen mask and fire suit on a B-52 flight, full body frocks, watch and belt buckle covers in the GM body plant and rubber boots and a HEPA mask during the hurricane recovery in New Orleans. The list goes on and on. I thought I had seen it all until today. While touring the BASF pharmaceuticals manufacturing facility I was asked to don a hairnet... for my beard!


Unknown 4/06/2007 1:27 PM  

Interesting. I like this picture of you. I think it makes you look like you are from a different ethnic background than what your profile picture shows.

I like when photos (either viewing or taking them) make me see subjects in a different light.

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