Cover Page
A few days ago I blogged about some cool portraits I'd made of high school football players just for the fun of it. The portraits were done during photo shoots for this year's special high school football section to "kickoff" the upcoming season. I promised to share the cover art once it ran, it is. The concept comes from sports editor Scott Ferrell, who, having kids of his own, has apparently seen his share of High School Musical paraphernalia. Now, on a side note, explaining this concept to high school football players who think they're too cool for words was fun. I'd break out a photo of the movie's poster and just say, "Here's what we're doing."
I got such a chuckle out of watching the expressions on their faces as they looked over the poster. I quickly calmed their fears and added, "Sort of." I then let them be as cool as they wanted...only one of them actually smiled for the camera, but that's to be expected from teenagers.
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